Real Talk for the Non-Profit Event Pro
Real Talk for the Non-Profit Event Pro
Living Your Best Life: How to Shift Your Thoughts and Actions to Achieve Your Goals
In this episode, your host Amy Milne gets real with Jodi Wilding, a Certified Integral Associate Coach with a private coaching practice and a passion for helping people become who they want to be, achieve the success they desire and make the impact they are meant to have. Jodi kicks things off by talking about intentions and gives us our first of many "a-ha" moments of the episode. At the beginning of the year, many of us are busy thinking about action words that will drive us toward our goals, but what if we asked ourselves, "How do I want to FEEL this year?" instead? Powerful, right?! In the non-profit sector, it's easy to focus on what we don't have, but Jodi reminds us that we can flip the script and that we have a choice about how we respond to our circumstances. Want to try a fun exercise? While we all know that things can go wrong at an event, try to write a list of all the things that could go right and see how your perspective shifts. Jodi is an inspiring good human and we know this episode will motivate you to start living your best life!
*To ensure that Maya Angelou is given the credit she deserves, here is the quote that Amy refers to at the end of the episode: "If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude."
If this episode really hits home for you and you're looking for a coach to help you gain clarity and chart the path forward toward achieving your goals, look no further! You can connect with Jodi directly at Also, make sure you check out her website.
”Whatever we put our intention on, and our focus on, that is what's gonna grow.” – Jodi Wilding
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